Media Record

Media Summary SPARC Foundry se especializa en soluciones avanzadas en el ámbito de los semiconductores. Economía en Galicia Zona Franca y UVigo planean una fábrica de circuitos fotónicos para captar fondos europeos. Galicia Press...

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ESA QEFT Lab QC Tech Center

The second quantum revolution is underway, leading to the emergence of new quantum technologies with far-reaching impact. The European Space Agency has funded a study to establish a European reference testing facility in quantum communications...

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DATE: OCTOBER 10th  2023 LOCATION: AUDITORIUM TELECOM FACULTY UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO RUA MAXWELL S/N 9.00-9,15 WELCOMING REMARKS. AEPHOS PRESIDENT. The future of photonics 9,15-9,45. QOPHI LAB COO. From lab to foundry. 9,45-10,15. Coffee break...

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05/22 Closure of the DRIVE-In project

Last 05/22 meeting was held with the presence of the Ex-Research Director of the CE, José Manuel Silva, anticipating the closure of the DRIVE-In project. In this meeting, a brief talk was given about professional opportunities in the postdoctoral...

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