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Media Record

MediaSummarysparcfoundry.comSPARC Foundry se especializa en soluciones avanzadas en el ámbito de los semiconductores.Economía en GaliciaZona Franca y UVigo planean una fábrica de circuitos fotónicos para captar fondos europeos.Galicia PressZona Franca y UVigo presentan una fábrica de circuitos fotónicos y un laboratorio de I+D con fondos europeos.La Voz de GaliciaLas macrocrisis están impulsando la demanda y

Relocation of the laboratory to CITEXVI

We have currently moved to CITEXVI, which is the technology center of Vigo, because we plan to expand research lines and measurement setups, including setups applied to LiDAR, underwater communications, and more.

Reading of Nelson Pinto’s thesis on 04/30

Thesis VIVA: Nelson Filipe Duarte Pinto Title: Implementation of a Photonic Chip for Quantum Communications Author: Nelson Filipe Duarte Pinto Supervisors: Dr. Francisco Javier Díaz Otero Date/time: April 30, 2024 12h30 a.m. Venue: Videoconference  – Sala virtual 5  


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