about us

Project Goals

Hybrid Optopelectronics

Hybrid Optopelectronics

Training the first generation of researchers with combined abilities in hybrid optoelectronics circuit design and modelling and simulation of InP...

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Industrial Collaboration

Industrial Collaboration

Industrial-academic collaboration of tranveserse technologies: Photonics/electronics and automotive safety sensor systems.

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InP into ITss

InP into ITss

Integrating InP applications into ITSs, through strong relationships between main EU players involved in photonic fabrication & design...

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Research Areas

Simulation Methods

Development of compact models and simulation methods for hybrid photonic/electronic systems.

  • Components for ADAS
  • Large-scale fabrication
  • Autonomous driving standards
  • Solid-state LIDAR
  • FSO circuit simulations

Test structures

Validation of the compact models and development of test structures.

  • Integrated photonics
  • Dedicated design
  • Process control module
  • Automatized systems
  • Statistical models

Software tools

Development of a software tool for electronics/photonics simulation.

  • Microelectronics simulation
  • Photonics simulation
  • Enchancing EDA
  • Thermal coupling
  • optical-electrical integration


PICs for testing applications in the automotive sector and in other industrial sectors.

  • Tuneable lasers
  • Ready-to-use applications
  • Aerial mapping
  • AMZI
  • AM and PM modulators

Meet the team

André Richter
André Richter
Researcher in optical transmission systems
Internationally renowned expert in the field of modelling and design optical transmission systems and photonics applications. He fulfilled various...
Braulio Gomez Saavedra
Braulio Gomez Saavedra
M.Sc. in communications engineering
Received his M.Sc. in communications engineering from the TU Darmstadt, Germany. After that, he joined the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute...
Francisco Diaz-Otero
Francisco Diaz-Otero
Professor in photonics and optical communications
He is ViceDirector of the Telecommunication Engineering School, regional manager of the European Satellite Navigation Competition hosted by ESA...
Francisco J. Fraile
Francisco J. Fraile
Professor in optoelectronics and quantum optics
He has more than 25 years of experience in research areas like optoelectronic devices, optical communications, nonlinear optics and quantum...

Upcoming events

Media Record

Media Summary sparcfoundry.com SPARC Foundry se especializa en soluciones avanzadas en el ámbito de los semiconductores. Economía en Galicia Zona Franca y UVigo planean una fábrica de circuitos fotónicos para captar fondos europeos. Galicia Press Zona Franca y UVigo presentan una fábrica de circuitos fotónicos y un laboratorio de I+D con fondos europeos. La Voz

Relocation of the laboratory to CITEXVI

We have currently moved to CITEXVI, which is the technology center of Vigo, because we plan to expand research lines and measurement setups, including setups applied to LiDAR, underwater communications, and more.

Reading of Nelson Pinto’s thesis on 04/30

Thesis VIVA: Nelson Filipe Duarte Pinto Title: Implementation of a Photonic Chip for Quantum Communications Author: Nelson Filipe Duarte Pinto Supervisors: Dr. Francisco Javier Díaz Otero Date/time: April 30, 2024 12h30 a.m. Venue: Videoconference  – Sala virtual 5  




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